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Traditional Fitted Bedroom and Kitchen Door Styling

Traditional Styling: Does It Still Have a Place in Interior Design

In a world where Shaker, Slab and handlesless door designs maintain their popular ranking does traditional styling still rank when designing bedrooms, kitchens and home studies? In our opinion absolutley, the designing of traditional designs brings interest, features and texture to a design and gives the opportunity to incorporate furniture that would not fit in the modern world of gloss and straight lines. Overlook these trusted door designs and your next design project could be missing out on the opportunity to bring something special to the table.

Commonly traditional designs have been considered a tad boring but using these designs within a fitted kitchen or bedroom can bring surprising results as their architectural symmetry and elaborate design traits can bring accents that contemporary designs would struggle to achieve. Using traditonal wardrobe and kitchen door designs does not mean dull, just take a look at the extraordinary selection of colours, wood grains and textures available, each brining their own hue, light and reflective qualities with an end result that is as far away from dull as you can get. If you are looking to inject character into a room take a look at the traditional wardrobe and kitchen door designs available, they may just be your ideal design solution.

Doors Deisgns to consider: Carlton, Harlem, Buxton, Helmsley, Canterbury, York, Palermo and Surrey

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